North Mason Regional Fire Mobile Integrated Health Program | Belfair, WA

In 2022, North Mason Regional Fire Authority launched a Mobile Integrated Health Program that has successfully addressed unique health care needs for the rural communities that cover 136 square miles in Mason County, WA.  

Access to immediate non-emergency health care and acute level health care in that area is severely limited, with one of two primary care provider clinics and one of three pharmacies closing in recent years. Something as simple as having a prescription filled has become problematic for some, and for those who find themselves in need of time-sensitive care, the closest hospital is 22 miles away. Many community members face challenges in finding primary care providers, let alone getting to the doctors and the facilities they need and as a result, the number of emergency medical responses fielded by NMRFA has risen significantly.  

Through the Mobile Integrated Health Program (MIHP), residents can receive treatment for healthcare needs such as respiratory illness, minor injuries, cuts, abrasions, wound care, infections, and hospital discharge follow-up. MIHP’s certified Physician Associate can treat patients in their homes, refer them to specialists and primary care physicians, and prescribe medications. Currently, 595 individual patients are enrolled in the system, with 1,143 documented patient encounters. 

In 2023, the Ben B. Cheney Foundation was pleased to provide a grant to the North Mason Regional Fire Authority to assist them in the purchase of a medical response vehicle equipped with the critical supplies necessary to deliver urgent healthcare in their community. This customized vehicle provides advanced technology, additional power supplies, supply storage, and refrigeration for specialized medications. Medical equipment and supplies in the unit include a mobile X-ray, cardiac monitor and defibrillator, lab testing equipment, IV fluids, vaccines, laceration repair supplies, wound care kits, and testing supplies (acute respiratory and COVID). This vehicle helps NMRFA provide the highest level of care while at the community members’ homes. 

North Mason Regional Fire Mobile Integrated Health Program Belfair, WA 

This investment has enabled them to reach underserved populations and provide them with vital healthcare services, ultimately fostering healthier and more resilient communities across North Mason. This program also serves as a national model for other departments to consider, and is expected to greatly reduce local 9-1-1 Emergency Department visit expenditures.  

Learn more about the North Mason Regional Fire Authority’s Mobile Integrated Health Program at:

Watch the official trailer for “Beyond 911: Transforming Rural Healthcare.”