Ashley House provides comprehensive, cost effective, quality care to medically fragile children, teens and young adults in home-like settings. When children with severe medical diagnoses leave the hospital, they often need complex medical care. Ashley House provides a transition between hospital and home for children who require this complex care. A child can receive skilled nursing care at Ashley House while the family adjusts and prepares for their child’s homecoming. This care is provided at a much lower cost than if the child stayed in the hospital.
Ashley House was created in 1989 by a small group of like-minded individuals who recognized that there was a gap in services available to medically fragile children and their families. Prior to the creation of Ashley House, these infants and young kids stayed in hospitals longer than necessary, resided in adult nursing homes or were placed out of state far away from their families.
The overall goal of the Ashley House program is to help families cope with crisis by providing a warm, caring environment in which they may learn how to meet the demands of their child’s disabilities and illness. For more than three decades, Ashley House has provided education to families and care givers, built support systems, coordinated services, and nurtured the development of each individual in their care.
Their services have expanded from transitional and short-term care to include respite and long-term care for children, youth and young adults. For many, Ashley House is a short stop; for others, Ashley House becomes home. They have grown from one pediatric home to six. They also operate one adult family home in Pierce County.
When one of their vans needed replacement, Ashley House approached the Cheney Foundation. The vehicles not only transport children and youth to medical appointments but also to family gatherings, and cultural events. The importance of having proper equipment can never be overstated. The Foundation was pleased to help meet this significant need for reliability and safety.
To learn more, visit ah-nw.org