“Everybody Works · Everybody Wins,“ thus states Morningside’s tag line. Morningside has earned a reputation for leading the vocational rehabilitation services industry since its inception in 1963. They got their start in the basement of the First Baptist Church by a group of courageous parents looking for meaningful programs for their sons and daughters with disabilities. This was at a time when there were few options available in the community; a time when families were still being encouraged to institutionalize their loved ones. Morningside was among the first to offer a thoughtful and inspiring alternative.
More than 50 years have now passed since the inception of a new model of providing opportunities for those with disabilities. Morningside’s vision to transform the lives of people with disabilities by removing significant barriers to employment and providing an infrastructure of personalized support has become the standard.
From that lone location in the basement of a church, Morningside now operates in six counties in Western Washington: Thurston, Mason, Clallam, Grays Harbor, Lewis and Pierce counties. Their efforts to provide clients with the same opportunities as able-bodied citizens to lead fulfilling lives remains their driving force. It’s a fact, however, that people with disabilities experience very high rates of unemployment. Morningside’s services include job discovery and exploration, community-based assessment, job training and placement, high school transition services and long-term employment support.
Like any other property owner, facilities require maintenance and repair. For nonprofits, setting aside funds for capital improvements over services is often a challenge. Though not a great deal of money was necessary, the parking lot at the Port Angeles office had become unsafe. For $6,600, the deficiencies could be corrected. Not only would the potholes and cracks be repaired but the parking stalls, loading zones and entrances/exits would be clearly marked improving safety for clients, staff and visitors. The Cheney Foundation is pleased to partner with Morningside to get this work done.
You can find more information and learn of the many innovations of Morningside by visiting their website at morningsideservices.com/.