New Phoebe House Association (NPHA) provides housing, services, treatment and support to Pierce County mothers with young children impacted by chemical dependence and helps them to achieve and maintain reunification through healing, self-sufficiency, and clean-and-sober living.
In 2002, Pierce County was experiencing a high incidence of methamphetamine labs, production, and usage. Many young women with children developed chemical addictions. Often children were removed or put in foster care.  In many instances, the women experienced homelessness or incarceration. A group of concerned citizens banned together with the City of Tacoma and Pierce County to address this need. New Phoebe House Association opened its doors in December 2002.
In its earliest days, NPHA provided basic services and parenting skills to break the social and emotional dysfunction of its residents. They have progressively added mental health services and life skills to address the deep behavioral health issues. Most of the residents were victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. New Phoebe House is the only provider in Pierce County that holistically serves families challenged by family violence, addiction, and homelessness. On average, their families recover, reunify and get housed within a 6–8-month period. Families continue to receive a year of after-care and safety-net services to prevent against relapse.
Phoebe House operates two transitional homes, serving up to 40 families a year. It became apparent in the late summer of 2020 that both furnaces would need replacement prior to the onset of winter. Of course, the COVID pandemic had severely limited any fundraising for this need. With few options and a short timeline, Phoebe House reached out to the Cheney Foundation. With our assistance both furnaces were replaced in late fall staving off a potential disaster. The Foundation is pleased to have been able to support this project. We remain committed to helping our communities flourish and value the work being done to reduce homelessness and the need for foster care.
In this arena, NPHA provides much needed and compassionate care. They have an awesome success record helping to break the generational effect of addiction and providing a pathway for these at-risk children to reach their full potential. Remarkably, over 850 families have been reunified since 2002 through the work and services of New Phoebe House Association. Find more information at: newphoebehouse.org.