2023 High School Scholarship Recipients

Meeting Facility | Yelm, WA

Truly Motivated Transitional Living (TMTL) was formed in 2005 out of the significant need in Yelm and surrounding South Puget Sound area for supportive sober…

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Cold Storage | Tacoma, WA

In 2020 it was common to see news stories, photos, or videos of all types of food distribution sites set up to serve neighbors and…

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Adaptive Playground | Jefferson Co., WA

Many adults have a vivid memory of a playground during childhood. Maybe it was the time they jumped off the swing, mid-flight. Possibly the first…

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New Parking Lot | Port Angeles, WA

“Everybody Works · Everybody Wins,“ thus states Morningside’s tag line. Morningside has earned a reputation for leading the vocational rehabilitation services industry since its inception…

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Broadband Access | South Bend, WA

The debate has raged for years, and became acute in March when the in-person world ceased to exist. Is internet access an essential utility like…

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New Furnaces | Tacoma, WA

New Phoebe House Association (NPHA) provides housing, services, treatment and support to Pierce County mothers with young children impacted by chemical dependence and helps them…

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